Author: Isabella Mader

Code of Law vs. Law of Code

OpenAI, Microsoft and Meta are involved in several billion lawsuits over privacy violations. We discuss the implications for Generative AI, data ethics and corporate accountability. How it started and how it’s going.

Kodex vs. Code

OpenAI, Microsoft und Meta sind in Klagen über mehrere Milliarden Dollar wegen Verletzungen der Privatsphäre verwickelt. Wir diskutieren die Auswirkungen auf Generative KI, Datenethik und unternehmerische Verantwortung bzw. Haftung.

Superstars of Management Thinking in Vienna

The 15th Global Peter Drucker Forum will take place at the historic Hofburg in Vienna and will gather international superstar management thinkers, CEOs, and media to explore the theme of “Creative Resilience – Leading in an Age of Discontinuity.”

Upcoming events