Tag: artificial intelligence

AIFOD Landmark Declaration: A Blueprint for Inclusive AI

The AI for Developing Countries Forum (AIFOD) has concluded at the United Nations Office in Vienna, heralding a new era for artificial intelligence (AI) with the adoption of the landmark AIFOD Vienna Forum Declaration. This declaration, a comprehensive framework for inclusive AI, emerges from the two-day event themed “Fair AI for a Fair World” and […]

Playstation Controller steuert Sony Honda EV Afeela

Sony Honda Mobility Inc. (SHM) präsentierte am Tag vor Beginn der CES® 2024 in Las Vegas den AFEELA-Prototypen. Sony Präsident Izumi Kawanishi stellte den weiterentwickelten Prototypen vor, indem er ihn mit einem Playstation Controller auf die Bühne fuhr. In seiner Rede präsentierte er den Fortschritt in zwei Bereichen: “KI für Fahrassistenzsysteme” und “Mobilität als kreativer […]

Code of Law vs. Law of Code

OpenAI, Microsoft and Meta are involved in several billion lawsuits over privacy violations. We discuss the implications for Generative AI, data ethics and corporate accountability. How it started and how it’s going.

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