Author: Isabella Mader

Artificial Integrity: AI Beyond Short-Termism

Does ‘AI for good’ matter and why should we care? To find out, we spoke to the author of “Artificial Integrity”, Hamilton Mann, a Tech Executive, Digital and AI for Good Pioneer, keynote speaker, and the originator of the concept of Artificial Integrity. 

Debunking The Zombie Ideas Of Organizational Leadership

In the ever-evolving world of organizational leadership, certain ideas have proven to be damaging to both results and reputation. Despite being disproven, these “zombie ideas” refuse to die. They stagger on, wreaking havoc in the modern workplace, diminishing productivity, creativity, and morale. We’ve borrowed the title from the program of the 16th Global Peter Drucker […]

Die EU wollte 2024 Bürokratie abbauen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigern – und erreichte das Gegenteil

Dem Arbeitsprogramm der Europäischen Kommission durften wir erwartungsfroh entnehmen, dass das Jahr 2024 Bürokratieabbau um 25 Prozent bringen sollte und Initiativen zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Zur Halbjahresbilanz 2024 kann gesagt werden: Schwach angefangen, stark nachgelassen. Die Prognose zum Jahresende 2024: Es wird geradezu das Gegenteil des proklamierten Programms erreicht werden.

AIFOD Landmark Declaration: A Blueprint for Inclusive AI

The AI for Developing Countries Forum (AIFOD) has concluded at the United Nations Office in Vienna, heralding a new era for artificial intelligence (AI) with the adoption of the landmark AIFOD Vienna Forum Declaration. This declaration, a comprehensive framework for inclusive AI, emerges from the two-day event themed “Fair AI for a Fair World” and […]

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